Make more Chun-Li or Street Fighter Hentai. Because if someone wants more - Then you could be in trouble if something could went out of hand.
Just Saying. -Dexter Blade.
Make more Chun-Li or Street Fighter Hentai. Because if someone wants more - Then you could be in trouble if something could went out of hand.
Just Saying. -Dexter Blade.
Nice. Hot & Juicy.
BEATIFUL. Now it will be Number 1 Fav Porn Char.
Thank guys. I love the artwork. I can't wait to see more sex scenes with her.
Damn - she's hot as fuck !!!!!!!! [BTW her dress looks similar to Jura from Vandread. Nice referance. :-) ]
She looks like a school girl. No fucking Bullshit.
Damn it. This picture reminds me of Outalst 1 & 2.
Neonic Madness. That's what I want to say. Beatiful indeed. 10/10.
Thank you!
Pretty Good art. And I'm wondering - why there's no comment here ?
Can I ask a simple question?
Because "In The Beginning" artwork is SUPERB, but after that - I. WANT. MORE.
That effect added (Which makes the "painting" alive) Definitely caused me to seek for similar artwork with that effect.
So I ( Sadly. :-c ) BEG YOU to make another artwork, but with that great "Spell". PLZ !!!!!!!
P.S. - Sorry for acting like goddamned, half-minded kiddo, but I want more. You know what I mean.
Also Sorry, but I downloaded that Gif which I was about. I love it 100.000% so I had to do it.
Stay Alone -Dexter
Fuck this account honestly... It's now more of a curse than a blessing...
Joined on 7/21/14